Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Things I adore... (also, I'm back!)

The hiatus is over. As are the days of Tumblr. It was a lovely stand-in this summer when I wanted to spend more time with my family than blogging, but dear goodness I missed writing. So I'm back. And while London Fashion Week is at its peak, I am going to hold off on runway highlights in favor of some catching up. That said, today I adore...

image via simple moth.

♥ Having my own bedroom in Chicago. The dorms were lovely last year, but I'm finding the best part of living off-campus is having a little nook to call my own. It's a tiny room, with Tiffany blue walls and breezy white curtains, and I love it. I can keep stay up late reading without worrying about disturbing another person, and I can play whatever music I want. Buuut if I get lonely my roommates are just past the kitchen.

♥ Bridgeport, Chicago. It's my new hood. Just a short walk from the Cellular Field (even though I'm a Cubs girl but shhh...), it has everything you could possibly hope for. There are darling little houses, greasy spoon diners and even a tattoo parlor (complete with cute boys doing the tattoos!). I feel completely cozy and safe in this little corner of Chicago. It's wonderful.

♥ Selfless friends. Goodness. I don't know what I'd do without them. Whether it's talking to me on the phone as I walk to the bus stop alone at night or making me delicious mac n' cheese after a long and tiring day, my friends keep doing things that amaze me to no end. They're all crazy thoughtful and know me so well, not to mention brilliantly funny. I am too lucky.

♥ Tea. My roommates are both a little tea crazy, and I get to reap the benefits. It makes every day that much more pleasant. This morning I grabbed some Get Charged by Republic of Tea on the way out, brewed a cup once I got to class, and sipped on the warm and tasty goodness all through Natural Sciences. It mixes well with Pascal, friends. Trust me.

♥ Pencil skirts and cardigans. Working at Ann Taylor Loft got both cemented into my wardrobe. Now I wear one, the other, or both on almost a daily basis. Cardigans are so easy to throw over dresses, or even just a pair of jeans and a cami. Pencil skirts look crazy good with romantic blouses and pumps. The fashions aren't terribly groundbreaking, but they're classic and reliable.

That's it for me, friends. What are you adoring? And just so you know, I really missed you.

1 comment:

Maura said...

Ahh, i'm so happy it's back!