Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Oh, the red carpet.

The red carpet fashions this year have been consistently disappointing. Hopefully the Academy Awards will be a change of pace, but until then I'll be pouting about how incredibly dull the starlets have been looking lately. I am pretty enamored, however, with the looks Lea Michele has been wearing. She is gorgeous, that girl. And crazy talented, too. I love "Glee," but first became a fan when I saw her in "Spring Awakening." Broadway girls are inherently more classy than those Hollywood ones, don't you think?

She's totally rocking the classic glamour look. Even in that mini dress, there's a certain elegance going on. She is just beautiful. Who do you think has been a beacon of stylish light this awards season?


Julianne said...

She looks fabulous! She always does though, which makes her character in Glee seem kind of unrealistic, oh well, I still love it.

Hillary said...

I know. They tease her all the time in that show, and I just think but she's gorgeous! Oh well. She is so fantastic.