Saturday, January 30, 2010

Link time, hey hey hey!

Image found via Got A Girl Crush, one of the cutest Tumblrs you will ever come across.

It's the end of the week which means it's time for me to throw some superior links at you for optimum time-wasting fun. Some of these are kind of dated because they're also from last week (remember my mini-hiatus?) but they're all gooduns. Enjoy!

This is my new favorite picture ever of all time.

Snooki, we'll miss you. But not your clothes. The Cut expresses concern that the world might actually be taking those Ugg boots and Ed Hardy shirts seriously now. Find that article here.

Bloomingdale's to open outlet stores? This is the sort of news that makes starving college shopaholics like me thrilled to the bone. Via Fashionista.

Heart broken? Or just need a little something to perk you up during these grey weather days? Bittersweet, one of my favorite baking blogs, provides us with the perfect cure.

The 2010 Adidas Star Wars Collection. Um, yes please.

My school is experiencing a bit of a conflict within its upper ranks right now. You can read this article if you want a little bit of context.

I don't know how many times I can say that I absolutely adore Gala Darling. Her article on putting the light back into your heart is just the ticket. Read it, devour it, live it.

I am crazy about this Terry Richardson photo shoot. Aggy + Orlando = &hearts.

Love this.

That's it for today. If you like link roundups, be sure to check out the ones on CMYKaboom, IFB, Icing, and Nubby Twiglet. All brilliant. They were definitely my inspiration to start posting my own. And now, some Supremes for your Saturday:

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