Friday, January 15, 2010

For your procrastination.

Hello readers, and happy Friday! I've gathered a few links this week that I think you might dig. So in case you have anything you've been putting off today, let's put it off for a few more minutes and have a look-see at these fun reads.

McFancy. Via The Cool Hunter.

Loving Disneyrollergirl's take on the one year anniversary of What Katie Wore.

Already Pretty advises us on the care and keeping of our most precious clothing.

In the search for the answer to a random late night musing as to the origin of the heart symbol, I came across this article.

How to crash a party,Via the twitter feed of Miss Couturable, one of the best fashion bloggers out there.

People are buzzing about Zac Posen for Target. As per usual, Fashionista fills us in. Check out their summary of the lookbook, complete with a slideshow.

Via Refinery29 Pipeline, is this enlightening article on yet another benefit of shopping. Let's just say the mystery as to the stellar shape of my calves has been solved :p

That's it for today. And just a heads up - I'm taking next week off. I go back to Chicago on Monday and will need a few days to get readjusted to school life. Hopefully I'll bring some outfit pics with my return, as well as exciting updates on my life in that big, windy city. In the meantime, have a great few days. Stay stylish!


Tee said...

That "How to Crash A Party" guide is hilarious. Like Gala, you know how to find really interesting links...

Hillary said...

Aaah Gala's links are always so amazing. It's one of the top ten reasons I love Fridays so much.


thanks for sharing!