Monday, October 19, 2009

Chanel, I love you.

I don't even know where to begin. Clogs are suddenly chic, and all one needs to do to look endlessly edgy and fashionable is wrap some loose tulle around their shoulders. I could die of happiness right now. This collection is perfect. It's so Chanel, but with a quirky little twist. Ready to drool?

I realize I posted more photos that I usually do, but everything looks like it stepped out of the most high-fashion fairy tale. Plus in a lot of the shots, the models have these adorable smirks! Plus the makeup for the show is just amazing. You wanna talk about the clothes? Let's talk about the clothes. Most of the clothes are typical Chanel - black, white, nude, cream. But then you get that red look, and the pale blue! And the red and blue prints on some of the looks. It's so playful, but maintains that classic Chanel touch. As usual, the details are also perfection. What's your favorite look from the collection?

Does anyone else now have the overwhelming tempation to wear minidresses and draw on their thighs with a sharpie? Cause I sure do.

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