First things first: leave a comment. Let's get a tally on what my readership is at present. Then use the wonderful little thing called word of mouth. I am also working on it, too by using things like Polyvore and We heart it to make my voice (and your photos and fashion) known. Sound like a plan? It gets better.
If you leave a comment, your name will be entered in a random drawing for a fabulous prize. It's so fabulous that I'm not even going to tell you what it is. So that's all. Leave me a comment, and let's get some love around this place! The winner will be announced at the end of April. So comment darlings, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
i like yo blog. good show good show. i is an avid reader.
what to writ?
I think6857 people should read this blog
Well commenting on other people's blogs is a great way to get readers! You got me! :) When I started, each week I did something that may help readership. If you join free sites like you can see who comes to visit, where from, and how long. and are free blogging networking sites where you can get to know fellow bloggers and promote your writing. And keep visiting other blogs, us writers love to know who is reading! But you have a great blog, this is a wonderful goal - keep it up! :)
Hi there, I came upon your blog when you added me in Blog Catalog :)
Anyways, I like what I'm reading so far, so I'll be adding you into my Google Reader.
Keep up the good work! Love the entry on Lip Smacker's Dr Pepper. Oh wait, I should be commenting on that post, not this one. Oh well :p
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